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  2. important psychological terms
  3. important people in the field of psychology?

How did psychology originate

Wilhelm Wundt pioneered the birth of psychology with the psychology laboratory he established at the University of Leipzig in Germany in 1876.

Although psychology emerged as a scientific discipline in the 19th century, its origins date back to ancient philosophy.

The interest in behavior and mind can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, China and India.

what is the purpose of psychology?

the aim of psychology is to describe mental processes and behaviors, to explain why and how they occur, to predict how they will change and develop in the future, and to control these processes

the aims of psyhology, like the aims of every science, are those that can be listed to make life easier. The primary purpose of psychology is to describe human behavior.

psychology history

seven thousand years ago, although people could not describe it as “psychology”, they believed that people whose inner troubles and problems manifested themselves at the level of illness werw under the influence of evil spirits and were exposed to supernatural forces. To allow these spirits to espace from a person’s body, ancient healers held ceremonies that combined dance and music.

the first psychologists were philosophers. In ancient times, psychology was seen as a field of philosophy, not a field of science

This understanding continued in development, but as more cognitive scientific approaches were developed and applied, the field involved in psychology became more empirical and comprehensive.

what was before psychology?

B.C. The Pre-Modern Psychology period, which started in the 4th century with reference to the works of Plato, covers a period of 2200 years until the beginning of the 1800s.

The earliest psychologists we know are the Greek philosophers Plato (428-347 BC) and Aristotle (384-322 BC). These philosophers sought answers to many of the questions asked by today’s psychologists; For example, they questioned the distinction between innate personality traits, human behavior shaped by life experience, and free will.

19th century There have been developments in psychology that will allow psychology to be seen as a separate branch of science, leaving the field of philosophy. The striking developments were that Wilhelm Wundt established the first experimental psychology laboratory in 1879 and that in 1886 Freud began treating patients in his Vienna practice.

notable people in psychology

Sigmund Freud; Founder of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis; is a clinical method used in solving psychopathological cases by revealing the relationship of mental processes of patients with unconscious elements.

Carl Rogers; is an American psychologist who is among the most famous psychologists as the founder of person-centered therapy in psychology and the pioneer of the humanistic approach.

Albert Bandura is a Canadian psychologist best known for his Social Learning Theory.

William James is an American psychologist and philosopher who was the founder of pragmatism in psychology.

important psychological terms

confabulation: It is defined as a memory disorder that is defined as the production of fabricated, distorted or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world.

dissociative fugue: It is a disorder that creates characteristic, identity and personel information amnesia by escaping from the environment and causes the person to reject his/her existing life

thought block: lack of thought. Sudden cessation of thought before a conclusion is reached. When asked, the person does not remember what was being said or what they planned to say.

motivational Quotes

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Psikoloji araştırmacısı , Klasik Kitap kurdu , Yüzüklerin efendisi hayranı
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